Subtitler:Import Ledit10
Ledit10 files are standard files from the subtitle lab Titra. The files are RTF formatted, from which first the text is extracted. Each title starts with an asterisk * and then start and end separated by a colon and then other information that is ignored. start and end can be in timecode, frames or feet:frames. Then two lines of text follow and at the end a line with an at-sign @.
Timecode notation:
* 10:07:49:22-10:07:53:15 00.0 1 0001 00 16-070-020
In this building behind me I spent
over 70 nights and most days ...
* 10:07:53:19-10:07:57:00 00.0 1 0001 00 16-070-020
during the war which lasted 77 days.
Feet.Frames notation:
* 02899.01-02904.12 00.0 1 0001 00 16-070-020
In this building behind me I spent
over 70 nights and most days ...
* 02905.00-02908.10 00.0 1 0001 00 16-070-020
during the war which lasted 77 days.
Frames notation:
* 0289901-0290412 000 1 0001 00 16-070-020
In this building behind me I spent
over 70 nights and most days ...
* 0290500-0290810 000 1 0001 00 16-070-020
during the war which lasted 77 days.