Subtitler:Import Cinetyp Timecode2
Cinetyp Timecode 2 files ressemble Power Subtitling files with the difference, that there may be a header, that titles can have three or four lines depending on line count and that the titles are aligned to the timecode with spaces.
Some Header
0001) 02:18:45:17 02:18:48:04 Duree :02:12 Lisibilite :29
In this building behind me I spent
over 70 nights and most days ...
0002) 02:18:48:14 02:18:51:21 Duree :03:07 Lisibilite :39
during the war which lasted 77 days.
0003) 02:19:05:04 02:19:09:16 Duree :04:12 Lisibilite :53
No problem. I love to talk about
these things if you don't mind.
The importer now also imports some loosely formated files as long the timecode line has an eventnumber, a timecode start and a timecode end. Also, pseudo italic codes (# at beginning) are detected.
Some Header
1: 02:18:45:17 02:18:48:04
In this building behind me I spent
over 70 nights and most days ...
2. 02:18:48:14 02:18:51:21
#during the war which lasted 77 days.
3: 02:19:05:04 02:19:09:16
No problem. I love to talk about
these things if you don't mind.
Note: RTF files can be imported directly and italic style information is imported. If the file is .doc, then open it first in TextEdit, change it to RTF or text only and save it as textfile before importing to Subtitler.