Subtitler:Export QuickTime Text
You can export a textfile for QuickTime text tracks. With QuickTime Pro player, you can import the texttrack and overlay the titles over a QuickTime movie. The style is retained as much as possible, title level styles (using comments) are supported, but not style tags. Keep the following in mind:
- In Subtitler, add before the export an empty title at the start and at the end of the movie. The text track must have exactly the same duration as the video track.
- Export the Quicktime Text file.
- Import the text file into QuickTime player. You have now a white movie about 60 pixels high with a text track.
- Open the video movie
- Select all in the text movie, copy, then select all in the video movie, then choose Edit:Add Scaled. The title track is now keyed over the video, but on top.
- Select Movie:Get Movie Properties (command-J), select the text track, size and click on adjust. Place the titles to the bottom of the screen. Click done and save the movie.
If the Box level is bigger than 0%, then the subtitles are not transparent and have the Box color as background.
You can export a file as QuickTime text with chinese characters if you select a chinese font. Export as QuickTime Text and Mac Chinese Traditional.