
Expression work like school algebra. You can mix numbers and text. Its the operator that decides if a value is considered as number or as text.

Values can be constants (numbers or quoted text) or variables. They must have a Valid name

Variables can created by the following:

  • Globally, with the set instruction.
  • Locally, as a field in a row of a table.
  • More locally, as parameter or with set in a program, a function or an aggregator.

You can see always see the more global variable, even superseed it, but not change it from a local context.

Operators for numbers

operator example result
+ 4 + 5 9
- 9 - 6 3
- unary 5 * -4 -20
* 4 * 5 20
/ 9 / 6 1.5
div 9 div 6 1
mod 9 mod 6 3

Operators for text

operator code result
. "Foo"."bar" Foobar

Comparison operators for numbers

operator code result
= 5 = 4 0
!= 5 != 4 1
< 5 < 4 0
<= 5 <= 4 0
>= 5 >= 4 1
> 5 > 4 1

Comparison operators for text

operator code result
== "foo" == "bar" 0
!== "foo" != "bar" 0
<< "foo" << "bar" 0
>> "foo" >> "bar" 1
regex "foo" regex "fo+" 1

Logical operators

operator code result
and 0 and 0 0
and 1 and 0 0
and 1 and 1 1
or 0 or 0 0
or 1 or 0 1
or 1 or 1 1
xor 0 xor 0 0
xor 1 xor 0 1
xor 1 xor 1 0
not not 0 1
not not 1 0

See also Boolean logic truth table


operator code result
() (4 + 3) * 5 35
() 4 + (3 * 5) 19
, in Functions  

If you the operators and or or, the right argument is not evaluated if the left argument is already determent for the result.

Expressions can include Functions.