Our PostScript machine uses the stack as main data structure, but it has also a dictionary. The dictionary allows to define values and to use them later.
We adapt the machine to allow for dictionaries. There is a new state "name" initiated with the slash character and "procedure" in curly brackets. We also better define whitespace.
We did also rewrite the return. The rpn function now not only returns the top of a stack, but also the entire context. We rewrite postScriptEditor to show the elements properly.
We add new operator def. However, we see that the operator uses not only the stack, but also the dict. We therefore refactor the operators that they work on a context which includes stack and dict.
We try it out. We define foo, bar and then put foo on the stack.
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If you define a name by another name it is not the same if you define directly the value (early binding) or if you define it in a procedure (late binding).
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We can now define a new operator and use it
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What if we need to use the parameter multiple times, for example if we square? We add the most PostScript stack operators dup, pop, exch.
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We add trigonometric functions to create a function with two parameters.
So we convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
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This method to capture multiple parameters is propably more readable than handling the stack, though it is possible. Be aware that you must capture the stack in reverse order. Note also, that the dictionary we have implemented uses a global namespace. We will correct that later.
The dictionary can also overrule the operators, though it is not sure when this would make sense.