Relation:Import JSON

JSON files can be imported and relations can be extraxted from the data.
In the first step, import creates a relation where each value and its path is extracted.
In the second step, create a column id by identifying a row id in the path. Extract it from the path with regexreplace.
In the third step, create a column key for the columns you are interested and extract it from the path with regexreplace.
In the fourth step, project only id, key and text.
In the fifth step, deserialize.


Using the file catalog-sample.json

path text
1:title Data Catalog
1:description Version 1.0
1:keyword:1 catalog
1:modified 2013-05-09
1:publisher US Department of X
1:contactPoint John Doe
1:identifier 1
1:accessLevel public
1:bureauCode:1 018:10
1:programCode:1 018:001
1:format application/json
2:title Public Elementary/Secondary Listing
2:description The purpose of the CCD nonfiscal surveys is to provide a listing of all schools and agencies providing free public elementary and secondary education, along with basic descriptive statistical information on each school and agency listed. Penalties apply for misuse, see for more details.
id key text
1 title Data Catalog
1 publisher US Department of X
1 format application/json
2 title Public Elementary/Secondary Listing
2 publisher US Department of Education
2 format text/csv
2 license Public Domain
3 title Public Elementary/Secondary Other Listing
3 publisher US Department of Education
3 license Public Domain
id title publisher format license
1 Data Catalog US Department of X application/json
2 Public Elementary/Secondary Listing US Department of Education text/csv Public Domain
3 Public Elementary/Secondary Other Listing US Department of Education Public Domain

See also

import Import XML read

' JSON files can be imported and relations can be extraxted from the data.

' In the first step, '''import''' creates a relation where each value and its path is extracted.

' In the second step, create a column '''id''' by identifying a row id in the path. Extract it from the path with '''regexreplace'''.

' In the third step, create a column '''key''' for the columns you are interested and extract it from the path with '''regexreplace'''.

' In the fourth step, project only id, key and text.

' In the fifth step, deserialize.

import "catalog-sample.json"

print 15

select path regex "(title|publisher|format|license)"

extend id regexreplace( path , "(d+).*" , "$1" )

extend key regexreplace( path , "d+:(.*)" , "$1" )

select not (key regex ":" )

project id, key, text


