Functions to lookup for similar values.

Excel has the LOOKUP, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP function to search for values in other ranges, but they need exact matches. XLOOKUP allows for well defined substrings with wildcard characters, but does not deal random changes. The functions proposed here allow you to do this. Two functions are proposed:

LLOOKUP uses Levenshtein which has a complexity of O(n^2).
SLOOKUP uses simpleSim which has a complexity of O(n) in best and random cases and O(n^2) in worst case, so it may be faster on larger ranges.
Both scan the entire list, so if you use them in a range, the complexity is O(needles * haystacks)


Use directly the XLSM-Macro file.


Or install the XLAM Macro file.


Source code:

LLOOKUP(needle, haystack, result, optional threshold = 0.75, optional partialstring = true, optional simplestring = true)

Finds the best match for needle in the haystack range and returns the corresponding item in the result range using the Levensthein similarity Needle is interpreted as string.
Haystack and result must be ranges with a single column and equal number of rows. Haystack can be of any order, but the search stops at an empty cell, if the range is the entire column (eg. A:A)
Threshold fine tunes the sensitivity (for values between 0 and 1). If the score of no value in haystack exceeds threshold, the result is empty.
Partialstring looks for asymetric matches where needle is included in haystack but the haystack not in needle Simplestring uses URL-representation of the needle and the haystack (all lowercase, no special characters)

SLOOKUP(needle, haystack, result, optional threshold = 0.75, optional partialstring = true, optional simplestring = true)

Finds the best match for needle in the haystack range and returns the corresponding item in the result range using the simpleSim similarity.
Needle is interpreted as string. Haystack and result must be ranges with a single column and equal number of rows.
Haystack can be of any order, but the search stops at an empty cell, if the range is the entire column (eg. A:A)
Threshold fine tunes the sensitivity (for values between 0 and 1). If the score of no value in haystack exceeds threshold, the result is empty.
Partialstring looks for asymetric matches where needle is included in haystack but the haystack not in needle
Simplestring uses URL-representation of the needle and the haystack (all lowercase, no special characters)

LevenshteinDistance(needle, haystack, optional partialstring = true, optional simplestring = true)

Calculates the edit distance of needle and haystack.
Partialstring looks for asymetric matches where needle is included in haystack but the haystack not in needle
Simplestring uses URL-representation of the needle and the haystack (all lowercase, no special characters)

LevenshteinSimilarity(needle, haystack, optional partialstring = true, optional simplestring = true)

Calculates the edit distance of needle and haystack as a similarity measure (0 not similar, 1 identical)
Partialstring looks for asymetric matches where needle is included in haystack but the haystack not in needle
Simplestring uses URL-representation of the needle and the haystack (all lowercase, no special characters)

SimpleSimilarity(needle, haystack, result, optional partialstring = true, optional simplestring = true)

Calculates the similarity of needle with haystack between 0 (not at all similar) and 1 (identical) based on custom algorithm
Partialstring looks for asymetric matches where needle is included in haystack but the haystack not in needle
Simplestring uses URL-representation of the needle and the haystack (all lowercase, no special characters)


Converts a text to an URL-compatible form (all lowercase and all non-alphanumeric characters replaced by "-")

The functions do not have side effects.

Version 1.0 2024-06-14
Author: 2024