- Fixed print limit
- New syntax for console application
23.8.2020 1.0.b8
- transaction block
- Improved variable scope
- Improved default number formatting
10.8.2020 1.0.0b7
- Removed custom aggregator
- Aggregators now ignore empty values
- stack instruction
- Name indirection
- File names can now have any character except colon and slash.
- Several bug fixes
8.6.2020 1.0.0b6
- function, program, run with () syntax
- support for nowiki tag
- format uses extended sprintf syntax
- new function format()
- fixed extra line in console echo
25.5.2020 1.0.0b5
- update where
- update, extend, set and init (obsolete) with = syntax
- import wikitext
- removed chart
- read is cached
- compile functions start with :
- valid names can begin with _
17.5.2020 1.0.0b4
- import parses now XML and JSON files
6.5.2020 1.0.0b3
- New instruction label
- Small bugfixes
20.4.2020 1.0.0b2
- Fixed evaluation of text starting with a number and scientific notation
February / March 2020 Beta
December / January 2020 Alpha