Relation:Tutorial 9

Preparing output

For the relational theory, rows and columns are not in a particular order. For humans, this may not be as readable.
Therefore, you can use order, limit, project and format to make a pretty output.

Order films by director and title

director film year
Godard A bout de souffle 1960
Godard Pierrot le fou 1965
Godard Week-End 1967
Kluge Der starke Ferdinand 1976
Truffaut Jules et Jim 1962
Truffaut Tirez sur le pianiste 1960
Varda Cléo de 5 à 7 1962
Varda Sans toi ni loi 1985
von Trotta Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum 1975

Order films by year and only the 3 newest

year film director
1985 Sans toi ni loi Varda
1976 Der starke Ferdinand Kluge
1975 Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum von Trotta

There are qualifiers to order: a z A Z 1 9. Try them out
Limit has a start and a length value. If it is negative, it will take the last rows

Show average of films by director with 2 decimal values


You now have learned the basics. To go further and deeper, read the following pages:

' ====Preparing output====

' For the relational theorie, rows and columns are not in a particular order. For humans, this may not be as readable.

' Therefore, you can use [[order]], [[limit]], [[project]] and [[format]] to make a pretty output.

' '''''Order films by director and title'''''

read "films.csv"

order director, film

project director, film, year


' '''''Order films by year and only the 3 newest'''''

read "films.csv"

order year 9

limit 1 3

project year, film, director


' There are qualifiers to order: a z A Z 1 9. Try them out

' Limit has a start and a length value. If it is negative, it will take the last rows

' '''''Show average of films by director with 2 decimal values'''''

read "films.csv"

project director, film count

project film_count avg

format film_count_avg "%1.2f"


' You now have learned the basics. To go further and deeper, read the following pages:

' * [[Expressions]]

' * [[Instructions]]