
Indicates the current row number (base 1)




Using the sample relation films.csv

read "films.csv"
order film
extend row rownumber

film director year row
A bout de souffle Godard 1960 1
Cléo de 5 à 7 Varda 1962 2
Der starke Ferdinand Kluge 1976 3
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum von Trotta 1975 4
Jules et Jim Truffaut 1962 5
Pierrot le fou Godard 1965 6
Sans toi ni loi Varda 1985 7
Tirez sur le pianiste Truffaut 1960 8
Week-End Godard 1967 9

read "films.csv"
order year 1
extend row rownumber
project inline director, row max
select row = row_max
project film, director

film director
Jules et Jim Truffaut
Week-End Godard
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum von Trotta
Der starke Ferdinand Kluge
Sans toi ni loi Varda


rownumber is not really relational. Order first, because the other operators do not result in a defined order.

See also

order, limit