This version of TinyPS is deprecated. Use the tiny-ps web component tiny-ps
TinyPS is a Javascript interpreter of a subset of PostScript. It reads the page description programs and renders it to the Canvas (which can derive a PNG), to SVG and to PDF, all hand-coded. There is also a raw output to which implements a Bezier and a fill algorithm directly to ImageData.
TinyPS is an function in Sofawiki (PHP) creating mainly the HTML, and a scripts in 2 parts: main.js called on render and worker.js working asynchronously.
The function has several options:
- -w width (default 595 for A4)
- -h height (default 842 for A4)
- -transparent (default 0) creates transparent PNG and SVG
- -sandbox shows the editor
- -wait waits for the user to start rendering
- -canvas shows the Canvas
- -svg shows the SVG inline
- -raw shows the Canvas of raw rendering
- -pnglink adds a link for the PNG file
- -pngslink adds a link for the PNG files for multiple pages as ZIP
- -svglink adds a link for the SVG file
- -pdflink adds a link for the PDF file (PDF 1.1)
- -stack shows the stack
- -state shows the graphic state
- -dict shows the dictionary
The following operators are implemented
- x abs result
- x y add result
- x y and result
- n array arr
- cx cy r a1 a2 arc
- x1 y1 x2 y2 r arcto
- cx cy s ashow adds space between each character
- num dem arctan result (360 degree angle)
- cx cy c ax ay s awidthshow adds space between characters and words
- dict begin pushes the dictionary on the dictionary stack making it the current one
- s charpath adds the path of the string to the current path
- clear clears the stack
- clip
- closepath
- count n length of stack
- var1 var2 copy copies array1 or string1 into array2 or string2
- angle cos result
- currentlinewidth result
- currentmatrix result
- currentoint x y
- x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 curveto
- any n cvs string
- s/name cvx procedure
- key value def
- n dict d
- x y div result
- any dup any any
- end removes current dictionary from dictionary stack
- x y exch y x
- name/procedure exec
- exit
- false
- filll
- name findfont font
- init incr lim proc for the value is pushed for each run
- s/array proc foreach
- s/array n get c/v
- s/array n c getinterval s/array
- grestore
- gsave
- x y gt result
- array identmatrix result
- bool proc if
- bool proc1 proc2 ifelse
- x y itransform xuser yuser
- proc s kshow
- s/array length result
- x y lineto
- proc loop (don't forget exit)
- x y le result
- x ln result
- x y lt result
- matrix identmatrix
- x y moveto
- x y max result
- x y mod result
- x y mul result
- x y ne result
- x neg result
- newpath
- x y or result
- pop
- s/array n c2 put (must be a named string or array)
- s/array n s/array putinterval (must be a named string or array)
- rand result (range 2 exp 31, divide by 2147483648 to get range 0-1)
- x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 rcurveto
- n proc repeat
- x rhlineto
- x y rlineto
- x y rmoveto
- n roll roll (n length, roll movement pos/neg)
- angle rotate
- x round result
- qx qy x4 y4 rqcurveto
- x4 y4 rsqcurveto
- y rvlineto
- font n scalefont font
- font setfont
- array setmatrix
- x y scale
- seek s search
- y setgray
- x setlinewidth (range 0-1)
- r g b setrgbcolor (range 0-1)
- s show
- showpage
- x sin result
- x sqrt result
- stack (non standard)
- s stringwidth result
- n string s
- stroke
- stop (non standard)
- x y sub result
- s timestamp (non standard)
- xuser yuser transform x y
- x y translate
- true
- cx cy c s widthshow
PostScript® LANGUAGE REFERENCE third edition
A good documentation on the operators can be found here