
Clipping is limiting fill, stroke a show to a region you have defined with a path. When you start a page, you can fill, stroke and show to the entire page. When you use the operator clip with a current path, this path is becoming the clipping path. If you use clip operator again, the intersection of the current clipping path becomes the new clipping path.

The clipping path is part of the current graphics state. So we have to add the clipping first to the context

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The operator clip keeps an arrow of paths in the graphics state so it can always provide the current clipping paths.

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The scanFill algorithm is extended to use a clip region

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On the raw device, we keep a clipping. Whenever we fill or stroke, we check if the clipping path has changed and if yes, we calculate a transfer layer for the clipping.

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And add it for the other devices. In Canvas and PDF we wrap the clipping in gsave - restore. We need to do this for every stroke, fill and show operation, which may be expensive depending how it is implemented. We do not know. In SVG, the paths are separate and referenced.

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We test with the exercice. We add a text at the end to make sure that it is not clipped.

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A vector drawing inside letters. This one is slower.

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My Journey to PostScript